Wednesday 3 June 2009

It's not my fault...

From the Daily post:

Jacqueline Atkinson, 44, who weighs eight stone, was caught behind the wheel nearly twice the legal limit, after she says she had just one glass of wine with a meal. She claimed that after her arrest a nurse at the police station told her that if she was a man, or if she was a stone heavier, she may not have been over the limit.Yesterday Atkinson admitted driving with 57 microgrammes of alcohol in her system compared to the legal limit of 35. She was banned for a year by Flintshire magistrates, to be cut to nine months if she does a drink drive rehabilitation course, and was fined £450 with £135 costs.

Afterwards she said she was worried many pubs and bars routinely serve large glasses of wine without asking the customer – and slim women can unwittingly break the law. it's the pub's fault for serving her with a large glass of wine? I wonder if she's noticed that the alcohol volume in wine has been steadily rising for some years, or that the average red now has a 13.5% by vol content? A glass of that would leave even a sixteen stone bloke feeling happy, and certainly unable to drive as well as when stone cold sober. But let's face it; you don't drink and then drive.

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