Friday 8 May 2009

Their fate is sealed

According to suggestions in another local blog, collectors for the Extravaganza might have been using open buckets to collect money. In fact this used to be the case in the early days, but was stopped because of the rules which state "No person under the age of sixteen will be permitted to act as a collector. All collection boxes must be sealed and must display the name of the charity or the fund in a prominent position." When it was stopped, it meant that folk couldn't contribute as easily during the parade, when people used to throw a few bob at the bucket. However, difficult as it might have seemed, there's good reason for the rules, since those who contribute need to have safeguards in place to ensure their contributions reach the right place. No system is foolproof, of course, but the public would soon stop giving at all if money were appropriated through a flagrant disregard of the regs. Needless to say, if all boxes were sealed securely and all collectors vetted and identified, then this doesn't apply to the Extravaganza at all and apologies would be in order.

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