Saturday 24 April 2010


Ten reasons why Nick Clegg is Britain's Barack Obama

Revealed: the uncanny similarities in the lives and political DNA of Nick Hussein Clegg and Barack William Paul Obama
Nick Clegg Obama poster
Is Nick Clegg the British Barack Obama? Photograph: Steve Caplin
"Clegg's ... against-the-odds message of change is energizing young voters and has the British press comparing him to President Obama."
Washington Post, 22 April 2010.
So what do Nick Clegg and Barack Obama have in common?

1. Both men have exotic middle names

Obama: Hussein
Clegg: William Paul

2. Both men had to defeat political giants to win party leadership

Obama: Hillary Clinton
Clegg: Chris Huhne

3. Both men grew up in a minor island overshadowed by major continent

Obama: Hawaii
Clegg: Britain

4. Both men troubled by smears and rumours

Obama: Secretly born in Kenya
Clegg: Secretly bought Ikea cake tin

5. Both men published inspirational works of literature

Obama: Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance
Clegg: Learning From Europe: Lessons in Education

6. Both men achieved notable 'firsts'

Obama: First African American president
Clegg: First party leader from Chalfont St Giles

7. Both men favour cutting-edge television drama

Obama: Likes The Wire
Clegg: Likes Morecambe and Wise

8. Both men admit to past dabbling with strong substances

Obama: "Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it."
Clegg: "Peanut butter – I'm an addict! I will go to great lengths to find some if it is not actually readily available."

9. Both men are associated with prestigious accolades

Obama: Won 2009 Nobel peace prize
Clegg: Made video for 2008 British curry awards

10. Both men inspired by charismatic spiritual leaders

Obama: Rev Jeremiah Wright
Clegg: Paddy Ashdown

Taken from the Guardian unlimited, today.

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